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FF14 | Phone Charms


Acrylic phone charms of various NPCs from Final Fantasy XIV

Product Specifications

  • Approximately 1 in (2.5 cm) double-sided acrylic charm
  • Black phone strap

Additional information


Y'shtola, Thancred, Urianger, Alphinaud, Alisaie, Tataru, Krile, Minfilia, Cid, Estinien, G'raha, Aymeric, Haurchefant, Lyse, Yugiri, Zenos, Yotsuyu, Crystal Exarch, Ardbert, Emet-Selch, Ryne, Gaia, Ameliance, Fourchenault, Erenville, Varshahn, Zero, Venat, Hades, Hythlodaeus, Hermes, Meteion, Themis, Lahabrea, Erichthonios, Wuk Lamat, Koana, Sphene, Bakool Ja Ja, Black Cat, Honey B. Lovely


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